Why Choosing Socfindo Material?

Why Invest in Improved Genetic Material

The five main reasons why you should buy Socfindo seeds:

  1. Planting material (seeds) only contributes 4pc of the total initial investment cost, but the quality and characteristics of the selected planting material s are the most important and influential factors in overall growth and productivity.
  2. Aside from our seed’s characteristics, our planting material are also adapted to changing environments.
  3. Our seeds are obtained through a consistent long term breeding programme, with distinctive and diverse origins.
  4. Our seeds have proved themselves in commercial conditions: Plantations with good planting material and management will provide satisfaction in both growth and productivity, enjoying a long economic life and a short immature period.
  5. Information regarding quality, ordering procedures and requirements is easily accessible. With Socfindo, you can be sure of the reliability and integrity of your product, and know Socfindo is available to support you with your after sales needs.